
Horny French Guy

My French friend sent me this link. It's completely crazy. Check it out! It'll make you laugh and marvel at the crazy things that people do. I think it's that innate bug we all have to feel different from others. Which is a good thing.

The Link to The Horny French Guy (and it's not what you're thinking)



Kimmy said...

Jacob and I loved this! But I think the Horny French Guy did something to my computer. I'm not able to view my blog...it's all code. I'm so sad. I don't know how long it will take before I can "fix" it.

Andy said...

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that! I have no idea how that happened. Please let me know that you can get your system working again. I'm sorry!

Kimmy said...

Hey Movie Monkey...I'm not sure what happened to my blog Friday...but it was Friday the 13th! I don't think the Horny French Guy had anything to do with it, but needed someone to blame :p

Determined to get my blog back I had to do a lot of copy and paste work...I'm still missing some of my favorite blogs. I'll have to accidently bump into them again like I did the first time.

Thanks for visiting today. So funny...drive by lip-glossing...too funny!

Hey, I am Katharine Hepburn again. Awesome! You and Paisley need to try it out.

Jacob's so bummed the Colts lost. I was really wanting it to happen for Tony Dungy. He needed something good to happen in his life.