
Movie Question of the Day #1

What is one of your favorite movie quotes?

One of mine: "Son, you've got a panty on your head." -- Raising Arizona

T h e M o v i e M o n k e y


Kimmy said...

Jacob says..."What's with the eye patch? You gonna swab the on-deck circle for us, matey? Huh? Playin' pirate?"

"Mom says I have cancer of the eye." from The Bad News Bears.

Kimmy said...

For sure..."Bye, Buddy. Hope ya find your dad." :D "elf"

Kimmy said...

"Fix yourself a dang quesadilla." Napoleon Dynamite

Kimmy said...

Jacob says..."Tina, you fat lard. Come get some dinner." and "You guys are retarded." from Napoleon Dynamite

Kelly said...

My personal favorite is from "Groundhog Day"

Piano teacher: "So you say this is your very first piano lesson? You are very good!"

Bill Murray: "Well. My Dad was a piano mover, soooooo......"


Paisley said...

Not really a single quote, but...

from Raising Arizona

"When we didn't have any crodad, we ate sand"

"You ate WHAT?"

"We ate sand"

"You ate SAND?"

hee hee love it. I quoted it with my friend over and over when we were in 7th grade. That movie is hilarious.

Paisley said...

ok, so I can't spell...

or remember the words correctly. hee hee.

love ya!

Andy said...

Hee hee! Good variety! Interesting that we all picked comedies. I guess they have such great and memorable lines.

Here's another of my favorites, from The Princess Bride, spoken by Wallace Shawn playing Vizzini during the Battle of Wits: "You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia' but only slightly less well known is this: 'Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!" and he falls over dead. Brilliant.

Kimmy said...


"I was born a poor black child"

"The new phone book's here. The new phone book's here. This is the kind of spontaneous publicity I need. My name in print. That really makes somebody. Things are going to start happening for me now."

(I need two pieces of identification.)
"Ah, yes! I have my temporary driver's license...and...my astronaut application form. I didn't pass it though. I failed everything but the date of birth."

HA!(The Jerk)
"It's like an orange on a toothpack." (Stuart speaking to "Head"...who has a big ol' hair)

"Charlie! Light a match!"

(Charlie reading the "Dear John" letter his sister-in-law,Rose, forged from him to his wife.)
Rose:"You are not supposed to come in the room once the note has been written and placed on the desk." (As she'sgetting ready to kill him with an axe.)
(So I Married an Axe Murderer)
(Explaining to friend why he didn't get the girl's number) "She's a breeder...two of 'em." (Are We There Yet)
"What'd she give him?"
"A lock of hair...from her chest." (Grease)
"Do you understand the words that are a coming outta my mouth?"
"Don't nobody understand the words that are comin' outta your mouth." (Rush Hour 2)
"Excuse me. May I go to the bathroom?"
"Of course you may."
(*pause* then look of relief)"Thank you." (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels)
"Would you like a s'more?"
"How can I have more of something I haven't had already?"
(Capt. Jack Sparrow and Will Turner sword fighting. Jack Sparrow pulls out a gun.)
"That's cheating."
(duh shrug)"Pirate"
(Pirates of the Caribbean"
"I respect women. I love women. I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them."
(The 40 Year Old Virgin)

That's a portion from our list. Shew!